
Schulze-Kossens, Richard: Die Junkerschulen

Militärischer Führernachwuchs der Waffen-SS

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ca. 3-5 Werktage

Der letzte Kommandeur der Junkerschule in Bad Tölz dokumentiert die Elite-Aus­bil­dung von SS-Offizieren und deren soldatische Lei­stun­gen.
432 Seiten, 223 Fotos, Großformat, geb.

This book is written to fill a gap by presenting comprehensively, the way in which the education and training of both officers and men of the Waffen-SS were ordered and carried out. In particular, this edition hopes to put right the legends, distortions, slanders that for political reasons, after the war, give a distorted view of a picked body of men. This publication is a new edition which has been intensively revised and supplemented. Once again due to the extra ordinary interest shown abroad in the Waffen-SS, the essential texts are both in German and English. New are the Arms Schools which are fully described. Thus in this, the second edition, the Panzer grenadier School, Artillery School Iand II, Engineer School, Mountain Troops School, Economy and Administration Schools and the Medical Academy are to be found. The 223 photos and illustrations represent an increase of over 50%. This revised edition became necessary because of a wealth of material which has been provided by numerous veterans as a result of the first publication. It should be the most complete work to cover the Junker Schools and it should play its part in presenting the historical truth which, up to now, has been without question distorted

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